

Well, you’re here now. Take a look around. You know you wanna.

In the Army

In the Army

You may not have noticed them before, but I can assure you, they are there. 

Swiftly and quietly, they move with purpose. 

They have a mission to accomplish, and they won’t be thwarted.

Their ranks are tight. Uniforms pressed. Shoes shined. Standing tall.

They’re ready for battle, and they’ll be damned if you’re getting more than one memorial folder. 

They may not be in the military, but they are soldiers….in the army of the Lord. 

I’m talking about the bereavement team. 

Most churches have them. These teams are usually comprised of sweet, older women. 

Albeit sweet, do not be fooled. They are not here for your nonsense. 

A lot of funeral directors tend to get frustrated when they pull up to the church for a service, only to be told where to go and what to do by this team of women. 

I, on the other hand, freaking LOVE it. 

As a woman in this industry, I spend a lot of time speaking with clergy, family, and let’s not forget that ONE pallbearer who just loves to tell me how to do my job. It can be frustrating. 

“Get out of her way! Go sit down. Carry those flowers for her! Who raised you??!”

It takes every ounce of energy I have to not crack a smile. These ladies are a welcome relief. These ladies are a buffer. 

These ladies are my champions. 

I salute you. 



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