

Well, you’re here now. Take a look around. You know you wanna.

To the Bereaved: A Love Letter

To the Bereaved: A Love Letter


This one is for the griever.You don’t owe anyone anything. You’ve been through enough.Don’t feel like going to the party? Don’t go.Is your family stressing you out? The phone has a red button too.No appetite and can’t scarf down a whole meal? At least try some oatmeal or applesauce.You don’t need to entertain anyone and you don’t need to apologize for your emotions.The people in your life who are truly there for you will understand and adapt.Do have at least one person you can lean on. Don’t isolate yourself from the world, as much as you might want to.Don’t beat yourself up for feeling joy. Your life is not destined to be a pit of despair. It’s okay to be happy. It’s okay to keep moving, and you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone.Not only is it okay to be ruthless with your mental health, it’s imperative.Self care is not selfish.Love you.

The Not- So- Secret Life of Pets

The Not- So- Secret Life of Pets

Let The Church Say, Amen

Let The Church Say, Amen